AD Arquitectura Urbana

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“The City as a renewable resource” by Paola Viganò, EPFL (Lausanne) – IUAV (Venezia): Conference 21st April Universidad Nebrija

Source: Nebrija.comThe lecture addresses the possibility to conceive the city, the urban space, as a renewable resource and to construct a set of conceptual tools for its design. Through a series of design experience, this approach extends recycling beyond brownfield recovery to all brown, grey and greenfields: all space that has been produced and embodies labor – that is energy. Space is here considered as capital.PAOLA VIGANÒ,Paola Viganò, is an architect and urbanist, Professor in Urban Theory and Urban Design at the EPFL (Lausanne) and at Università IUAV of Venice.From 1989 to 1996 she was assistant on the course of Urbanism of Bernardo Secchi at the Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia (IUAV).From 1990 to 1993 she attended the 6th cycle of the research doctorate in Architectural and urban composition at the IUAV. In 1994 she obtained the research doctorate in Architectural and Urban Composition.Guest professor in several European schools of Architecture (KU Leuven and Louvain-la-Neuve Belgium; EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland; Aarhus Danemark…), in 2012 and in 2013 she is Visiting professor at the GSD, Harvard.She is member of the scientific committee of the Ecole nationale d’Architecture in Versailles and of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure du Paysage in Versailles (ENSP) and part of the scientific board of the European Master in Urbanism (EMU).In 1990 she founded Studio with Bernardo Secchi, until 2014, realizing the Park Spoornoord, Theaterplein in Antwerp and the city Structural Plan; the central public spaces in Mechelen, the cemetery in Kortrijk, the masterplan and public spaces in La Courrouze, Rennes. In 2009 Secchi and Viganò have been one of the 10 teams selected for the “Grand Paris” project and in 2012 they have been selected for the “New Moscow ” project. In 2011-2012 Studio has worked on a vision for Brussels 2040, Lille 2030, Montpellier 2040. The Hostel in De Hoge Rielen (Belgium) has been selected for the EU Mies Van der Rohe award 2015.In 2013 Paola Viganò is the first woman to receive the Grand Prix de l’Urbanisme in France and is today part of “Atelier du Grand Paris” scientific committee.In 2015 Studio Paola Viganò has won the international competition for the City of Science quarter in Rome.In 2016 Paola Viganò has been awarded the title of Doctor Honoris Causa by the Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium.Lecture:April, 21st. 201716:00. Campus de la “Dehesa de la Villa” – Aula de Bellas Artes