AD ARQUITECTURA URBANA is an Office of Urban Architecture, based in Madrid, which develops architecture projects and masterplans with sustainability criteria.

The office plans urban transformations that are committed to rehabilitation and designs urban and territorial sustainability strategies with projects for innovation at different scales: architecture, urban planning, territory and landscape.

The office´s work is focused on projects with a customized design of solutions and contribution of technical rigor an aesthetic criteria: art at all scales. For this, energy efficiency and welfase criteria are incorporated.

Currently, the office works on plans and projects for public administrations and private clients.

In 2017, AD ARQUITECTURA URBANA received the First Prize of the International Project Competition for the Urban and Space Planning of the Old Central Hospital of Asturias (HUCA) in Cristo-Buenavista, in Oviedo, with the project HUCAMP! The Campa de Todos, with Juan Tur and Daniel Cortizo.

The designs of AD ARQUITECTURA URBANA have been included in the collective exhibition William Morris: a creator by nature selected at the Havana Design Biennial 2019 and who has toured Thammasat University Design School (Thailand), Department of Design Faculty of Fine Arts of Yarmouk University (Jordan) and the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia (Duitama).

The work of AD ARQUITECTURA URBANA has been published in specialized media such as Arquitectura Viva, Plataforma Arquitectura, Ciudad Sostenible, Planur-e and in publications such as El País or El Mundo.

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Alexandra Delgado

Alexandra Delgado founded AD Arquitectura Urbana in 2005. Her work brings a vision of sustainability to architectural and urban design; her professional practice shows the interrelationships between different disciplines to generate transformation processes based on innovation.

Alexandra Delgado is the Director of the Advanced Planning Workshop of the Master in Architecture of ​​the Nebrija University. She has also been a visiting professor at the University of La Sapienza-Roma, IAUV University of Venice, ECLAC of the United Nations in Santiago, Chile, or in academic programs organized by the Harbin Institute of Technology and TEC Monterrey.

Alexandra received a PhD in Architecture from the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquiectura de Madrid, where she also receives her M. Arch. She has received the Bernd Steinacher Scholarship to young urban planners and researchers and has been responsible for the Platform of Urban and Territorial Sustainability of Observatory on Sustainability in Spain rated Best Practice Short List worldwide in the framework of the 8th United Nations International Best Practice Contest 2010.

Her books Evolution and crisis of the Metropolitan Region of Madrid: A critical review of urban planning (2013) and Natural, cultural and landscape heritage: Keys to territorial sustainability, with coordination and lead authorship (OSE, 2009) stand out in their participation in more than forty chapters and articles in national and international journals.

Her research work has been included in publications like Springer or Thomson Reuters Aranzadi. 

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Karla Monserrath Ulloa

Karla Monserrath Ulloa Chacha, born in Cuenca, Ecuador (1997) is an architect by the School of Architecture of the University of Azuay (2020), where she obtained her degree by developing a research on sustainable mobility and territory with a gender approach. She also holds a master's degree in Urban and Territorial Planning with a specialization in Urban Studies from the Polytechnic University of Madrid (2023) for her research on housing rights and socio-spatial justice with a feminist perspective.

Parallel to the development of her professional practice in urban planning and bioclimatic architecture, she has published academic articles and has been a speaker at several urban planning conferences. Among them, her participation in the AESOP Congress (Paris, 2024), Ibero-American Forum of Cities (Querétaro, 2023), selected for academic merit, Mobility Week (Quito, 2021) and X Meeting of Urban Design (Santiago de Chile, 2020) stand out.

With the aim of projecting more equitable and sustainable cities, through complementary training, she has deepened in current challenges of planning with specialization courses such as Public Space and Healthy Neighborhoods (UPM, 2022), Climate Change (University of Chile, 2021) and Feminist Urbanism (University of Chile, 2020).

Since 2023 she is part of the AD Arquitectura Urbana team, with the vision of promoting social equity, environmental awareness and livability through architectural, urban and territorial design.

Andrés López Yépez

Andrés López Yépez (Cuenca - Ecuador, 1996), is an architect from the School of Architecture of the Universidad del Azuay (2019), a degree obtained after completing a research project focused on the effects of urban transformations. He is currently developing his final work within the urban master's degree in Urban and Territorial Planning with a specialization in Urban Studies at the Polytechnic University of Madrid (2023).

As a professional he has had the opportunity to work in the development of architectural, urban and landscape projects of different types and scales; in addition to participating as a speaker at urbanism congresses, highlighting the IX Meeting of Urban Design (Concepción-Chile, 2019) and the XXII Pan-American Biennial of Architecture of Quito (Quito, 2020).

Through his work, Andrés aspires to contribute to the development of more sustainable cities, where architecture not only responds to functional needs, but is also an engine for social and environmental transformation. His approach is focused on the study of the relationship between urban structure and the well-being of its inhabitants, with the aim of creating solutions adapted to the specificities of each context, always seeking a balance between innovation and respect for the environment.

He is part of the AD Arquitectura Urbana team since 2024, with the objective of providing optimal solutions to the different current problems related to architecture, landscape and city.

Arianna Di Ruocco

Italian, born in Vico Equense (in the province of Naples) in 1998, she is an architect (2024).

After obtaining a degree in Architectural Science (2021), together with a master's degree, at the University of Naples Federico II, she worked on an experimental project on urban regeneration and economic revitalisation of inland areas of the Italian territory with a thesis entitled ‘Riabitare Carbonara’, together with Professor Massimo Perriccioli and the architects Enzo Tenore and Katia Fabbricatti.

During his master's degree, he participated in the Erasmus+ programme (2022/23), studying at the Alfonso X El Sabio University in Villanueva de la Cañada, Madrid. There she had the opportunity to collaborate on projects with local students, enriching her knowledge and skills to improve as a professional and experience international approaches in the profession.

During her undergraduate career, she also had the opportunity to work as an intern in an architectural studio in Scafati (Salerno), Italy. In addition, she has experience in graphic design work, presentations, videomaking and social media management.

She is part of AD Arquitectura Urbana as an intern since February 2025 and will stay until June 2025, through the Erasmus+ Traineeship programme, as part of her post-graduation internship. Her goal is to learn to work in an international studio to enrich her competences, participating in projects sensitive to sustainability, with a focus on innovative and reactivation proposals. Also interested in urbanism, she is involved in architectural design and planning.

Luis de Frutos Lope

Luis de Frutos Lope (Madrid, 1993) is an architect and industrial design engineer from the Universidad Antonio de Nebrija (2011-2018). He has done internships in important architecture studios such as Cano Lasso Arquitectos, Walk-al or Gonzalo de la Hoz, among others.

He has been an external collaborator at AD Arquitectura Urbana since 2020 working on architectural projects and urban planning.

He is interested in architecture and design as an expression of passion influenced by some factors that try to culminate in an optimal solution where design contributes to improve the city, the landscape and the environment.

His passion as a designer stands out at the same time as his passion for new construction systems that lead to an improvement in the environment. He is focused on creating spaces with minimum impact reaching thermal and spatial comfort in an approach to ecological design.