HM Venice a Workshop, European Postgraduate Master in Urbanism (EMU) and IUAV with the participation of Alexandra Delgado Jiménez | At-the-oUTSET



The international workshop, hold between 17-24th September, has reflected on the image of the Venice Lagoon as fundamental component of the wider Metropolitan Region. The valorisation of its widespread support, reinforcing the fundamental characteristics of a fully productive, accesible and well connected territory, will guide and nourish the Project. New coexistences and “space as a renewable resource” have been explored.

HM Venice a Workshop is a part of European Postgraduate Master in Urbanism (EMU) and IUAV and in synergy with the Venice Architecture Biennale Collateral Event: “The Horizontal Metrópolis, a Radical Project”.

The instructors of the Workshop developed in Venice, Certosa Island and Palazzo Badoer, have been Paola Viganò (IAUV-EPFL), Giambattista Zaccariotto (AHO), Alexandra Delgado Jiménez (Nebrija Universidad), Martina Barcelloni-Corte (EPFL), Luca Filippi (IAUV), Alvise Pagnacco (IAUV) and Tommaso Pietropolli (IAUV).


